i.charig@gmail.com (+972) 54 626 7521


I'm Isaac, your private tour guide who will accompany you on your journey to discover Israel, one of the most ancient and fascinating countries in the world

About me

My name is Isaac Charig. I am a tour guide licensed by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and I specialize in accompanying tourists from Europe, US and Canada.

A journey through culture and spirituality

Traveling through Israel means walking through history: from the Crusader castles, erected against the wind, to the ports where sailors, pilgrims and traders spent some time and then set sail again, from the desert landscapes, home to nomadic tribes, to forgotten armies and caravaners, from the tombs of the sheikhs, with their whitewashed domes, to the silent monasteries, and to the ancient synagogues, full of colorful mosaics.


Contact me

To get in touch with me fill out the form or use the contacts below. I will get back to you as soon as possible.